Friday, February 25, 2011

Samples Of Church Welcome Cards

dm-shopping part 1

Hi everyone!

times Today I'll show you Part 1 of my dm yield. It is many, many bath products! ;)

-tetesept sense salts Abendruhe -, 95 (Pflegebad with passion fruit and pomegranate)
-tetesept sense salts Chocolate Dream - 95 (Pflegebad with cocoa butter and almond)
-tetesept Aroma Magic Fireside Chat - , 50 (Pflegebad with pomegranate and clove)
-Sinn salt warm sunshine tetesept -, 95 (Pflegebad with clover imd sunflower)
Kneipp bath crystals Winter harmony -, 50 (vanilla - pink - orange - almond)
Kneipp Badekosmetikum cold -, 95 (eucalyptus)

The last time I'll treat me the same as the first, because I've once again caught cold NEN .. -.-

Then there was this fuss:

-essence anti-pimple Wipes € 1.45 (Which exist in our Budni not and I found them very well, so they were allowed again to ^ ^)
pulses Party Star Fragrance Deodorant -, 75 (goes well out of the range, so cheap and so on: D)

So, that was part 1 of the yield .. Part 2 follows tomorrow! Stay tuned! ;)

Your D.


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