Saturday, February 26, 2011

Golf Ball Compressions

dm-shopping part 2

Hello my friends

So now we come to Part 2 of my dm yield I begin with the Balea products that mitdurften this time!.:

-Balea Cream Oil Body Scrub Golden Touch € 1.45 (I get up on shower scrub ^ ^)
Balea-spray-on dry shampoo € 2.45 (I want to just test times)
Balea-cream soap caramel dream - 65 (Had I a back-up pick .. Sooo yummy)

And now for the interesting part .. for sure you The decorative cosmetics! : D

-French glam nails tickers - 95 (with sweet butterflies ^ ^)
-Nivea e / s by Chantal Thomass (do not know which the name is .. is on the back "Creative Eyes and "Fard à paupiéres") - 95 (BÄM!)
-Nivea Turbo Colour Nailpolish -, 95 (13 Turbo Goldsberry)
-Nivea Turbo Colour Nailpolish -, 95 (76 Violet)
-Nivea Calcium Power Nailpolish -, 95 (65 Rose Bijou)

I will of course take the paint next time and show you all then carrying photos! :)

Your D.


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